RN Engineering M200
Inquire- Manufactured by:
- RN Engineering
- Model number:
- M200
- Year manufactured:
- 2010
- Condition:
- Very good condition
- Asking price:
- $12,000
- Hours of Use or Pulse Count:
- 500
- Included extras:
- Manual
Installation - Equipment location:
- Virginia
- Rated Power (watts):
- 200
- Actual Power (watts):
- 208
- System Input Power II:
- 208-240 VAC single phase
- Cooling:
- Water
- Laser Manufacturer:
- Synrad
- Laser Model Number:
- F201 Firestar,
- Laser Rated Power (watts):
- 200
- Laser Actual Power (watts):
- 208
- Laser Hours of Operation (hours):
- 500
- Laser Cooling:
- water
- System XYZ Travel (inches or ):
- 60" x 120"
- System Controller & Software:
- Auto Cal
- System Input Power I:
- 220 VAC single phase
- Item Number:
- 6697